
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Evening of Today predictions--NH

Obama 40, Clinton 30, Edwards 20, Richardson 9, Others 1. (Popular vote)

McCain 37, Romney 32, Huckabee 15, Paul 11, Thompson, Hunter 1% (each), Giuliani 2%, Others 1%.
(I particularly like the juxtaposition of names to produce the reference to our dear departed RS National Affairs columnist.)

I want to be accountable, but I will not accept accountability for rounding error, though--I'm right, for example, if Obama has anywhere between 39.01% and 40.99%. And Fred between 0.01 and 1.99%.

I am earnestly hoping for this kind of result because it will end any doubt about the relative positions in the pecking order. It won't kill Rudy or Fred (or Duncan, last heard bragging about his delegate), though.

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