
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Let's Get the Jack of Diamonds

That would be Mitch McConnell. Apart from Condi, he's the only face card in the original Bushite deck still around and actually able to pull some weight.

I know it's a long-ish shot, but it would mean so much.

The big question is whether Obama should get actively involved, or whether to let the Democratic candidate, Bruce Lunsford, try to run it as a strictly local affair. Best probably would be if Obama campaign throws a little money his way but mostly keeps out of it.

In my favorite card game, Sadistic Whist, the J of D is the only card that gives "good points". McConnell is a wily, committed, pragmatic hardcore opponent that it will be essential to take out in order to fracture the Republican party into little bitty pieces. Which is what we are after.

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