
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Party of Lincoln Becomes That of Bushite

Or "Party of Bushites" (P.O.B.), if you're thinking individuals, as opposed to philosophy (or, more accurately, "Bushite" is a summary of practices as there is no philosophy involved).

To a much greater extent than the Democratic party has ceased to be the party of Jefferson and Jackson, the Republicans have yielded their claim to anything occurring before 1980. Part of that amnesiac process was throwing off the burden of Nixon. In the end, he dealt the party a severe blow, because his leadership within the party was entirely focused on himself, and he took the whole thing down with him when he left in shame. Same prospect with Dubya and the Bushites.

McCain's nomination should be viewed as what it is: a desperate act by a failed political party. Coming from the same elective position as the greatest Republican landslide loser since FDR, McCain has revived the maverick political stylings on a hard-right framework that was Barry Goldwater's formula for success.

What's worse for them is the double-bladed consequence of McCain's nomination this year:
1) he's unlikely to last eight years if he wins; and
2) based on the primary campaign, there's no bench strength.

People talk about how Obama is a risk: McCain is the only thing standing between the party and the abyss of permanent minority status (among other things--like every issue, at present--the demographics will work against them in the future). It's a crap shoot, and the Republicans are trying to make snake eyes.

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