
Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Scooter, the WHIGs, and The Commuter

My note for MoveOn's petition (it's to Congress):

The thing that bothers me about the case is that the conspiracy--first, to deceive, and then, to subvert justice-- has been so successful.

Its first triumph was that the complete suppression of the WHIG conspiracy to deceive the American people, accomplished in part through the denunciation of Amb. Wilson and his wife, was able to hold together through the 2004 election.

The second was that the conspiracy to maintain silence about the conspirators' effort has so far been successful. The impeachable offenses which can be traced directly to "the Vice President's office" will remain hidden until after 2009.

The judgement of history on the men who drove this libelous conspiracy to avoid proper scrutiny by the electorate of their administration's acts of warmongering, and who absolved and protected the conspirators, will be much harsher than Judge Walton's. And there will be no commutation of that judgement for decades, or centuries.

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