
Thursday, November 06, 2008

What Now, My Love?

Now that the election is over, my blog will need to find a new focus (and I, for it).

I'm thinking about starting to rant on a regular basis about our litigious society. Forty years after George Wallace's third-party run and Nixon's own rants, we've got plenty of "Law and Order" (even a TV show by that name), but not much effort being expended toward justice.

Legal types typically confound the two (or three), and the government even has a Cabinet department by that name, but they are not the same thing. Justice is when equity prevails. What is prevailing now is the power of money and job security for lawyers. Also for correction officials, construction of jails, judges of various levels of seriousness and specializations, and, worst of all, TV programming about all this wasted effort.

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