
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Obamamania--The Morning After

(I've gone with the predominant, easier-to-pronounce neologism in the title)

Coming Down Syndrome was described nicely by Brooks in the NYT. Democratic Convention Watch ( has gone to bed. It goes on.

I admire Obama's willingness to stick to the high road and to believe it will pay off in the end. Thus my faith leads to the irrational conclusion that Obama will get the nomination in the end. (Delphi says 74% he will get it somehow while losing Pennsylvania, also at 74%). The pledged delegate lead is around 140, according to CNN. Clinton's Superdelegate lead, now at 40-45, will expand to about 75 in the next couple of weeks. That seems to be about all that will happen.

I also feel that Obama is willing to accommodate Hillary at an appropriate time (which will be after Pennsylvania, and probably after North Carolina confirms that she will not be able to close the gap). The metaphor has shifted, and "Hillary's lifeline" is right on target. He will throw her a life preserver if she's not too crazy while still drifting free.

Meanwhile, the polls will duly reflect her latest resurrection vs. McCain and Obama will drop sharply. He has got to throw some elbows, but keep it clean, and the Tax Return issue (brought forward by Carl Bernstein, thank you) will probably work.

The only way out from this bloodshed is for Hillary to be co-opted into Obama's Movement, and the only way to do that is to give her the Presidency. For one term only, witnessed by both spouses and signed in blood. Whether they choose to tell everyone is their business.

Barring that, he's got to war to the end. "Yes We Can" will defeat "Yes She Will".

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