
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Primary Posturing

I applaud the announcement by the principal Democratic candidates that they will forego campaigning in Florida unless or until the state gets its primary/delegat selection act approved by the DNC. Everyone except Kucinich, if I read it right.

The DNC had to take action or face rebellion by yet another state wanting to jump the queue--Michigan. Yes, we are all vitally interested in the states of Michigan and Florida, though I would argue that their being swing states makes them more than likely to get their share of attention in 2008. What we don't want is the primary season moving into 2007, for the love of Fred!

The deal is easy enough to arrange: have a "beauty contest" before Iowa or New Hampshire, if you must, but no delegates will be seated before those states and their dates, which must be fixed.

I disagree with those in Florida who think their Democratic primary will matter, even if no delegates are selected, the candidates don't show, and Hillary wins easily. It would be nice if the primary voters reward Kucinich for his principled pandering with a couple of unseated delegates. Perhaps the situation will be different with the Republicans, as I could see it being quite a close contest between Giuliani and Thompson there, no one is begging off, and the state would only be penalized half its delegates.

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