
Friday, December 21, 2007

EPA Outrage

The announcement by the chief of the EPA that the new 35-MPG fuel efficiency (for what? 2020?) standard trumps more rigorous standards set in 17 states (led by California) borders on the criminal.

First, the timing clearly demonstrates that this was a quid pro quo--the government promised it would protect the auto manufacturers from these tougher state standards in return for their accepting the Federal standard just set in the Energy bill. This just goes naturally with the standard Bushite approach that those being regulated get to set the regulations, under Bushite Misrule.

Second, the EPA is clearly failing in its primary mission--to protect the environment, duh--unless it can show that 35 mpg is good enough to protect us from the consequences of climate change from greenhouse gases. Of course, it isn't.

The interesting note is that the large states with stricter standards, combined with the Federal nationwide standard, would've given the auto manufacturers a chance to dump their fuel-guzzlers in the other states. Now--at least until this ridiculous ruling is reversed, either in the courts or after the 2008 elections--there will be knockdown, drag-out battles to preserve the "right" for gas-hogs to be sold in quantity in states whose legislatures have largely rejected them.

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