
Sunday, February 26, 2006

Iraq: It's too Late Now, Darling

Let’s hope that it’s not civil war this time. Let’s hope that we recognize that we can’t do much good on the streets of Iraq at this point (if we ever did). Let’s hope that we don’t get the bright idea that we can separate the fighting parties—I think we’ve all seen what happens to do-gooders who get between determined brawlers.

It’s time to stop the spin, and start talking seriousl, and in a bipartisan way, about a timetable to get out. If the objective facts on the ground and the ability of the Iraqi government forces to maintain order are our criteria for withdrawal, then we certainly aren’t getting any closer, and the 100 Americans a month we’re losing could increase very rapidly if things deteriorate further and we come out of our fortresses and try to do something about it.

It’s too late baby, now, it’s too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died and I can’t hide
And I just can’t fake it—Carole King

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