
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Post here your choice for "Worst Bushite"

Note: has to be a person.


Chin Shih Tang said...

I do not feel this is an easy question at all to answer, as the Administration has both Karl Rove and Dick Cheney!

The question is really, whether one takes personally the perfidy of the Bushites. If it's "just politics", then you have to pick Cheney as your bad guy--he's pure nasty.

My answer is different, though: because politics is of primary importance, because it's not "just politics", I have to choose Rove.
Though Rove, like Bush, has the "GOO'Boy" personality, and manners to boot, he's the one who has the most noxious effect. Let's make sure that if Plamegate hits any targets, Rove will be hit.

Chin Shih Tang said...

Put him down as a vote for Rove.