
Saturday, April 30, 2005

From Politics Talk at Washington Post

Apr-26 10:52 am
chinshihtang unread
(299 of 326)

4919.299 in reply to 4919.18
"Bolton is a blunt tool when a sharp one is needed. I oppose him because his views are odious, but I welcome the opposition of those who oppose him because his manner is odious, and those who oppose him because he will be ineffective in representing Bushite policies in the United Nations.
Nevertheless, I have no illusions: if Bolton is rejected or withdraws, someone marginally more acceptable (in manner, probably) will be nominated and confirmed.
Bolton and the U.N. critics have something like a point: the U.N. has an outmoded charter, it is undemocratic, it is bureaucratic, it has no power base or source of funds other than member governments. The U.N. charter badly needs to be reformed--in the interests of international democracy, which Bush in his second-term inauguration speech made boasts of championing. However, the Bushites are not the ones to lead these reforms. Bolton's nomination is the proof. Let us squander the remaining 3+ years of the Bushite administration, or as much of it as possible, rather than actually taking unsound actions."
I find quite a bit of wisdom here.

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